2024-11-12 22:45


360 degree performance evaluation, also called 360 degree performance feedback or comprehensive evaluation, was first proposed and implemented by Intel, which is praised as the symbol of American power. The basic principle and background of the 360 degree performance appraisal method 360 degree performance appraisal method and comprehensive performance evaluation method and performance evaluation method of multi-source, multi subject refers to the work and assessment of the relationship from the received assessment of the information process, performance evaluation to carry out all-round, on examination of the multi dimension. These sources of information include feedback from the overseers of top-down (superior); feedback from subordinates bottom-up (subordinate) level; feedback from colleagues (colleagues); feedback from the enterprise internal support departments and supply department (supporters); feedback from internal and external customer (service object and the feedback from my). Different with the traditional performance assessment and evaluation method of the performance appraisal process is not only the largest superior evaluation as the sole source of employee performance information, but will provide feedback as the sources of information in multi subject related internal and external organizations and employees. The emergence of any performance appraisal methods stems from the needs of the practical problems. Before the 360 degree assessment method appeared, the main assessment methods used by enterprises were single source inspection, that is, higher level and lower level one-way inspection and evaluation. This way of one-way inspection is simple and easy to operate, but it has its obvious disadvantages: 1., if the bosss personal preferences, the impact of subordinates on the work of judgment and unfair; 2. indicators can not assess the functional departments (performance is difficult to quantify) effective evaluation;
    以上就是本篇文章【360度绩效评估(国外英语资料).doc】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://fhzcwj.xhstdz.com/quote/80529.html 
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